Monday 17 November 2014

Victoria's Secret PINK at Leeds University!

I don't know how many of you are from Leeds or go to Leeds University but something really exciting is currently happening at my university! If you're from America, or follow Victoria's Secret as avidly as I do, you'll know all about PINK (Victoria's Secret's little sister store) and its presence on campus in America - over 99 universities take part in the scheme to celebrate all things Pink! It seems like England is fully embracing all things Victoria's Secret this year with the London Fashion show in December and the Campus scheme kicking off in Leeds and Manchester!

 Each University has two campus reps and a group of girls who make up the street team that help to run special PINK events across campus. As a lucky member of the Leeds Street Team, I thought I'd write a little post to spread the word that PINK is now on campus! After our successful Bra Fitting event on campus, where we fit 200 girls and gave out 200 £10 vouchers to spend, we can't wait to announce the date for our Holiday shopping event with even more discounts and competitions! We'll also be hosting an exclusive viewing of the London Fashion Show before the end of the semester and, as always, our competitions run constantly throughout the year.

If you'd like to win loads of PINK goodies and keep up to date with all the latest Leeds PINK news, please follow our Facebook page @VS Pink at Leeds University.

You can also find us on instagram and twitter:

If you don't go to Leeds or Manchester University, what do you think of PINK coming to England? Where would you like the Campus scheme to go next? 

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