Tuesday 24 March 2015

3 Blog Awards!

(Photo Credit: Pinterest)

I'm not quite sure where March has went, how is it the 24th already? I've spent the majority of the month handing in essays and meeting deadlines but I've managed to have a couple of enjoyable days in March catching up with friends and eating delicious food! As usual sitting in the library for so long has resulted in a fair bit of online shopping so I have quite a few new posts lined up to make up for my lack of blogging (think My Little Box, more bareMinerals and even a hair tools post!) I'm just waiting for the sun to finally shine so I can have a productive photo taking day!

During the past month 3 wonderful bloggers have been kind enough to nominate me for various awards so I thought I'd create one collective awards post to celebrate my return to the online world! I always feel so blessed to be mentioned by other bloggers and I love the interaction tags like this always bring! I was kindly nominated for the One Lovely Blog Award from Oh Just Alice and the Inspirational Blogger Award from Rebecca Marie a few weeks ago. As the rules for both awards have the same rules and requirements I thought I'd just double up on the amount of facts and smush them together. (why do I love that word so much?)  I was also recently nominated by the lovely Anjna to do the Sunshine Award and I can't wait to answer her questions!

So, before I begin I just wanted to say a huge thank you to AnjnaAlice and Rebecca who all run amazing blogs that you should definitely take a look at!

One Lovely Blog Award/ Inspirational Blogger Award
After thanking the blogger who has nominated you share 7 facts about yourself (I'm going to struggle with 14 - eek!). Then nominate some other bloggers which you love and want to know more about!

1. I need something to hold in order to sleep. Be it a hand, a tissue, part of the duvet or even a stuffed animal if I'm not snuggling something I'll be awake all night!
2. I've never known what I've wanted to be when I grow up. 
3. Saying this, at 21 I think I might have finally settled on the idea of working in PR (particularly beauty!)
4. I'm obsessed with The Vampire Diaries and True Blood... I have no idea where this weird obsession with Vampire TV shows came from. 
5. After writing 2 essays and sitting 1 exam I'll have finished University - eek!
6. I'm a night owl. I could honestly stay awake on my laptop until morning without feeling the need to sleep.
7. I'm an only child.
8. I'm continuously irritated by the lack of pretty, white surfaces in my home at University. I just want to have access to a clean, white surface so I can take photographs for my blog!
9. I'm currently loving midi skirts. 
10. And bronzed, contoured cheeks! I'm blaming the Kardashians... 
11. Next year I'm planning on going travelling with my boyfriend and it will be the first time I've ever been outside of Europe!
12. My favourite Disney Princess movie is Beauty and the Beast... can you guess where I found inspiration for my blog name?!
13. I've learnt pretty much everything I know about beauty from YouTube (and more recently Blogging!)
14. I will hurt myself in some way or another at least once a day. I'm constantly walking into corners of tables or bumping my head!

The Sunshine Award
The Sunshine Award requires each nominated blogger to give 5 facts about themselves (I'm cheating and skipping this bit after I've just given 14 above!), answer the 5 questions set by the blogger who nominated you and then create 5 questions of your own for your nominated bloggers to answer. So here goes! 

Anjna's Questions
1. Why blogging and not YouTube? I hate it when somebody even takes my photograph, there's definitely no chance that I would ever film myself and start a YouTube channel! 
2. Which country would you like to live in? I've always loved the idea of living in Canada with its beautiful landscapes!
3. Do you have any regrets? I try not to hang onto my mistakes really but if I had to name one it would probably be not starting my blog all those years ago in 2010! I didn't think I had a good enough camera to blog properly but looking back rooky photography wasn't really an issue all those years ago!
4. Favourite Band/Artist? Taylor Swift! But I also love Arctic Monkeys, Lana del Rey and Bombay Bicycle Club.
5. If you could be a famous blogger/YouTuber who would you be? Either Ingrid Nilsen or Olivia Purvis! 

I Nominate:
Fiona from Fi's Little Blog
Elle from The Elle Next Door
Shireen from Reflection of Sanity
Candice from Beauty Candy Loves
Phoebe from Phoebe's Diaries

My Questions:

1. What is your favourite kind of blog post to create?
2. If you could travel anywhere in the world where would it be?
3. What's your most treasured possession?
4. Do you prefer reading blogs or watching YouTube videos?
5. What TV series are you obsessed with right now?


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