Sunday 5 July 2015

Instagram Diary No. 1

I often find it a little bit difficult to incorporate lifestyle elements into my blog yet with such a lack of my actual face (I'm still overcoming that camera-phobia) I'm becoming increasingly worried that my blog isn't personal enough. I love taking the odd snap of my daily adventures: beautiful views, pretty flowers and even a scrumptious meal or two yet I'm completely rubbish at photographing throughout the day and gathering enough photographs to make an entire blogpost. I guess I'd be an absolutely terrible lifestyle or travel blogger but I just simply forget to grab my camera and snap a particular moment. I suppose I love living fully in the beauty of the moment more than I care for visually capturing the memory yet there's a part of my life I feel like my blog is missing. So, I've been noticing a lot of 'Instagram Diaries' floating about the internet lately and I thought it would be the perfect way to add a little bit of me, along with a couple of my favourite beauty snaps, into my blog. One of my goals on social media is to really start using and updating Instagram so I suppose this type of post really kills two birds with one stone (don't you just hate that expression - I never used to think about it but it's pretty awful! Poor birds...) I'm not sure how often these little Instagram Diaries will occur (possibly every 1-2 months?) but I hope you enjoy them and if you fancy a little bit more insight into my life you can follow me on Instagram at @b_ecki.

Soap & Glory's Smoothie Star smells incredible! (and S&G posted my picture as a Regram!) | The Prettiest Pink Roses | My Little Beauty have adorable packaging | My amazing beauty swap package from Sakura in Japan | A Sneak Peak of a New Beauty Post! | Dan & I at our final University Ball | The view from Dinner in Estepona Port | Cute Summer Shoes from Primark | Attending the Launch Party at the new Cutler and Gross store in Leeds. 

Let me know how your week has been in the comments below!

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