Thursday 23 July 2015

The £3.99 Coco Mademoiselle Dupe

If there's one thing my mum is absolutely brilliant at it's sniffing out dupes to higher end perfumes. So when she handed me this Chanel Coco Mademoiselle dupe from Lidl (of all places!) I wasn't as skeptical as you might think. And to add to the pure brilliance of her bargain hunting she actually managed to nab this on sale for £1.99! Suddenly Madame Glamour normally retails for £3.99 for 50ml and even though the name and bottle aren't quite as charming and as elegant as the Chanel version the scent inside is absolutely identical (to my nose at least!)

On first application, if I'm being really picky, I'd say that the Lidl fragrance has stronger top notes than the Chanel and therefore Suddenly Madame Glamour is slightly more citrus scent to it. But, in all honestly, it took a lot of sniffing for me to detect such a difference and after wearing both perfumes for an hour, one on each arm, I struggled to tell them apart. After 4-5 hours both fragrances were rather faint on my skin and Coco Mademoiselle had a slightly more delicate, floral scent whereas Suddenly Madame Glamour was more musky but they still remained ridiculously similar. As for longevity, I'd say that both fragrances last equally as long on my skin but the Chanel seems to develop with a softer, lighter end result. As I'm writing this I'm becoming increasingly aware of how many times I want to say slightly and it really proves that the difference between both fragrances is so minimal! The price difference, however, is not as marginal and for 50ml of Chanel's Coco Mademoiselle(Eau de Parfum) you'd be parting with £70. 

For special evenings I always reach for Chanel. One thing Chanel can do that Lidl simply can't is instantly make me feel extra fancy. I know it might be shallow but who can resist the charm of Chanel? However, even though I adore Coco Mademosielle, and as much as I'd love to wear it every day, I simply can't afford the price tag. So, for daily wear I'll always reach for the Lidl alternative and so far nobody has been able to tell the difference! So shh, let's keep this secret between us shall we?

What do you all think of cheaper, dupe fragrances?
Would you try Suddenly Madame Glamour?  

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